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秦始皇嬴政(前259年—前210年),嬴姓,赵氏(一说秦氏),名政(一说正) [3] [140] ,也有祖龙 [1]、吕政 [2]等别称(详见“人物争议-姓名之争”)。中国古代杰出的政治家、战略家、改革家,中国历史上第一个专制主义中央集权国家——秦朝的建立者,中国第一位称皇帝的君主。 [149] 嬴政为秦庄襄王和赵姬之子,因父亲在赵国做人质,故生于赵都邯郸。 [3]秦庄襄王成为秦国太子后,嬴政被放回秦国。 [16]前247年,嬴政继承王位。前238年,平定长信侯嫪毐叛乱,并铲除权臣吕不韦,开始亲政,起用李斯、尉缭等客卿。自前230年起,先后灭韩、赵、魏、楚、燕、齐,完成了一统六国的大业。 [149] 前221年,嬴政自诩“德兼三皇,功过五帝”,采用三皇之“皇”、五帝之“帝”构成“皇帝”称号,被称为“始皇帝”。 [6] [65]政治上,嬴政在中央设置三公九卿,地方上废除分封制,代以郡县制;经济上,统一货币和度量衡;社会文化上,实施书同文,车同轨的政策,以首都咸阳为中心修筑通往各地的道路,规定以法为教,以吏为师;军事上,北击匈奴,收取河南地,修筑万里长城;南征百越,修筑灵渠,沟通长江和珠江水系。 [149]前210年,嬴政驾崩于沙丘平台,享年五十岁,葬于骊山秦始皇陵。死后由胡亥继位,翌年就爆发了埋葬秦朝的秦末农民战争。 [150] 嬴政结束了春秋战国诸侯纷争的局面 [149],奠定了中国两千余年政治制度基本格局 [151],被明代思想家李贽誉为“千古一帝”。 [152]同时,他推行严刑峻法、焚书坑儒、穷奢极欲、大兴土木、妄图成仙、滥征徭役等行为也引发后世争议。


Interview Self Introduction

I am 嬴政, from 赵国, graduated from 赵国 University with a major in 政治. I have been working for 11 years and have had 2 work experiences since graduation. I mainly work at 秦朝, proficient in 政治事务. My previous job was at 赵国 company, and I worked at 废除分封制. I am currently looking for a job in the 政治 industry. The above is my basic introduction.

Self Media Introduction

Former 秦朝 Political Leader and Reformist | Pioneer of Centralized Authority | Known for Unifying Six States | Currently exploring new ventures in 政治

25 Second Self Introduction

I am 嬴政, representing political leadership and reform. With 11 years of experience in the field, I have worked on significant projects such as unifying six states. My expertise lies in 政治 affairs, and I am currently focused on exploring new opportunities in the industry.