Self Introduction: Menna Diab - Specialist Architect & Lighting Designer at Khaib & Alami Consult

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hello every one i am happy to be here and its nice to meet yours iam menna diab a spelatist architect lighting digner at khaib & alami contauslt


Self Introduction

Hello everyone,

I am Menna Diab, a specialist architect and lighting designer at Khaib & Alami Consult. I have been working in the field of architecture and lighting design for several years, bringing creativity and innovation to every project I work on. My expertise lies in creating captivating designs that blend functionality with aesthetics, ensuring a unique and memorable experience for every client. I am passionate about pushing the boundaries of traditional design and constantly seeking new inspiration to elevate my work to the next level.

Looking forward to connecting with like-minded professionals and sharing ideas in this community. Thank you for having me!