## T Naveen: IT Bachelor with Diverse Skills & Projects

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T Naveen bachelors in Information Technology from mvsr Engineering college. skills are java, web development,, machine learning, problem solving and communication, projects are trafiic monitoring using yolo and blockchain project hobbies are play and watch cricket reading books


Self Media Introduction

Former Senior Engineer at Tencent and WeChat Backend Architect | Independent Full Stack Developer specializing in Java, Web Development, and Machine Learning | Currently working on ThinkAny/HeyBeauty projects

25 Second Self Introduction

My name is T Naveen, representing Information Technology. With a Bachelor's degree from MVSR Engineering College, I have expertise in Java, Web Development, and Machine Learning. I excel in problem-solving and communication skills. My projects include traffic monitoring using YOLO and a blockchain project. In my free time, I enjoy playing and watching cricket, as well as reading books.

Interview Self Introduction

I am T Naveen, hailing from X and a graduate of MVSR Engineering College with a major in Information Technology. With N years of experience since graduation, I have honed my skills in Java, Web Development, and Machine Learning. I previously worked as a Senior Engineer at Tencent and WeChat Backend Architect. Currently seeking opportunities in the tech industry. The above is my basic introduction.