Dileep. N: Experienced B.Tech in CSE Seeking Tech Opportunities

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Dileep. N Pavagada B tech in CSE at Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan University Jnana Bodhini school Pavagada swamy Vivekananda College Pavagada


Interview Self Introduction

I am Dileep. N, from Pavagada. I graduated with a B.Tech in Computer Science Engineering from Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan University. With N years of experience since graduation, I have worked in various roles, primarily focusing on software development. My previous position was at a tech company where I specialized in backend development. Currently, I am seeking opportunities in the tech industry. The above is my basic introduction.

Self Media Introduction

Former Backend Developer at a Tech Company | Independent Software Developer, Freelancer | Currently working on projects: ProjectX/ProjectY

25 Second Self Introduction

My name is Dileep. N, representing software development. With a background in Computer Science